0118-592973 info@boonepolder.nl

Cancellation conditions

Cancellation conditions

  • Landlord may be forced to cancel due to special circumstances.
  • When cancelling, please take into account the following conditions:
  • Cancellation must be submitted in writing.
  • For cancellation after 8 days and up to 2 months before the start of the rental period, 20% will be charged.
  • For cancellations between 2 months and 1 month before the start of the rental period, 50% of the rent will be charged.
  • For cancellation between 1 month and 1 week before the start of the rental period, 75% of the rent will be charged.
  • If cancelled less than 1 week before the start of the rental period, 100% of the rent will be charged.
  • We recommend taking out cancellation insurance of your choice.